"IS MS MARVEL: Worth Watching or Not" ?
Since Ms. Marvel is definitely aimed at younger audiences and is much more family-oriented, so I thought I’d take a look at it and see how it’s carried. This may not be a surprise to any of you, but I wasn't eagerly waiting for Ms. Marvel at Disney Plus. It's there, it's watchable and while it doesn’t do anything particularly noteworthy, it doesn’t do anything offensively. This time our superhero is a high schooler named Kamala khan and she's a massive captain marvel fan, which makes her unique in the school because she is the only person who is a captain marvel fan. She has posters of her in her room, and a costume dedicated to her, and she has an entire YouTube channel only for captain marvel.
internal conflicts in home life and the fantasies occupy her every waking thought. Miss marvel is another piece in
the expanding MCU but thankfully it also shines on its own questions of identity and belonging are a repeat superhero theme. The show is not
just doing paint by numbers
origin story with a multiculturalism
twist, instead, the first episode
keeps the heart of the comic book
while exploring how this beloved character
fits into the MCU landscape in a visually
arresting and fun manner. Often
superheroes are torn between their powers
and obligations but Kamala’s divided
self is evident in the first scene
with her family from the jump the various dynamics of the con home feel lived in and identifiable her mother is concerned with the usual boys and booze fear that runs parallel
to growing independence. but in the first
episode does a good
job of establishing more of her strict
rules than the typical curfew-breaking behavior
we have decided to let
you go, “really
really real.”
The sequel itself is pretty fun. it's got a good vibe to it, nice energy it feels like a Spider-Man homecoming on the small screen. It also kind of reminded me of Scott pilgrim and no it's not
near that level of amazing not even close but the way that it presents certain
things, like text bubbles when someone's on
their phone, or how it graffiti's on the side
of the wall and animates it there's lots of playful stuff going on the
effects on the show definitely do feel downgraded you have that tv show budget.
When she finally started using those powers, which are pretty wildly different from the character I’m familiar with from that stupid marvel video game avengers
and I would imagine the comic book where she's more of a Reed Richards stretch Armstrong type thing. Here she has kind of quasi captain marvel
powers but it's isolated to at least for now her hands can stretch I imagine she can do other things but it's all done through a power amulet. She conveniently got it from her grandmother's belongings this whole plot right now is kind
of silly and childish. I’m hoping that starts to take shape as the show progresses because right now it's
just a “convenient oh I found this and it happens to give me amazing
she uses
the ability accidentally which knocks a giant ant-man head into a pool which
becomes a giant Indiana Jones-style bowling ball, the physics on this thing is completely insane. It doesn't add up, I mean I’m not a scientist by any stretch of the imagination but the momentum that
thing somehow conjured out of nowhere just didn't stack up. It didn't film correctly so this thing's just going to blow through a wall. For the most part, I really do dig the style they're going with here it's very
youthful very energetic definitely very much speaking to me as a middle-aged guy I’m really getting that feeling characters
are all likable I really enjoy Kamala’s family they seem fun and like they're
going to get into some hijinks together kind of reminds me of Sam Warwick’s sent from those uh critically
acclaimed transformers films, hey you know what they're dumb but they get the job
“We had the weekend to kick things off” I don't think that song was
Used I’m gonna be honest when it was in the trailers it worked a lot better when
they used
it at the beginning of the show it didn't fit the template, it didn't fit the mold that song
deserved better they should have saved it for a bigger moment.
As far as Disney shows go, this is one of the better ones I’ve seen, The MCU television slate continues to grow, and miss marvel is already
making a strong case for Kamala khan as an exciting new addition this coming-of-age story includes some familiar elements
of a teenager struggling to figure out the path ahead still the teenager's Muslim faith and expectations offer a new perspective, the directors immediately pull us in with some
solid visual flourishes.
like I said family's ready for more. If this show is canceled soon, you won’t you’re your sleep anymore.
“Well, I don’t
think it’s that special
but at the same time, you know family always could use something to watch and this seems to work all right.”
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